Rivensco Consulting Ltd is an innovating company that aims to establish itself as a major link between the academic and business world.
Rivensco maintains offices in all major cities in Cyprus and it provides training in different subject areas such as business, social enterprises, information technology and hospitality. With our experience in EU projects, we support local businesses to participate in European and national funding projects, including the local Chamber of Commerce, local Colleges, Universities, Ministries, Municipalities and other stakeholders.
The effectiveness of our operations requires the cooperation with several small businesses and local stakeholders, including local media. We pay particular attention to the pivotal role of new technologies and the competitive advantage they offer. Our daily operations with several enterprises make our company ideal for working placement, since it is in a privileged position to provide real experience in different fields.
The highly specialized professional staff includes psychologists, teachers/trainers and bussiness consultants who can provide training in different fields. In 2014, Rivensco joined forces with a particular Vocational and Technological Training Center, in order to improve its training capacity, expand its network, and provide more courses.
Rivensco Consulting offers specialized courses for interview preparation, CV preparing, while it accustoms its trainees with personality tests and different national tests. This has enabled Rivensco to focus on the training of young Entrepreneurs.